I'm a Software Engineer who has worked with Unity (self taught) over the last four years by making small games mostly targeted for hybrid mobile and desktop platforms. I have a personal games studio alongside my brothers called Copal Studios.
If you would like to see my current capabilities, you can refer to our latest game, Bandido Rush. The previous link leads to the Poki version which is now several months old, we intend to have the full game published in Steam soon. All technical aspects of the game were done by me, including the integration of artistic resources as well as level and game design (done together with my brothers).
If you would like to know more about me and how dedicated I am to my projects, I encourage you to keep reading the rest of the portfolio.
Hi! I'm Iñaki and this is my game development portfolio. Its nice to have you here.
I'm a Software Engineer who recently graduated and about to launch my first game made alongside my brothers and our studio: Copal Studios. Given that I just graduated, its time for me to show what I've done over the years since my intention is to work in the game development industry.
The career option I took was heavily centered around traditional software and management, and while its not something I particularly dislike, my true passion always lay on video games. I always wanted to implement video games, that's why I became a Software Engineer in the first place since I believed that the career was the only one I could do in Uruguay that was technical and advanced enough to allow me to do this.
Software Engineering at ORT (my University) was an amazing and challenging experience, but being tailored to traditional software and managerial positions meant that video game development as a subject was seen as a 'Minor' optional subject, which meant one could course them only at the fourth and fifth years of the program. However, I didn't want to wait that long to learn game development, so at the end of my first coursing year (2019) I started to learn game development on my own as a side learning project.
The tool that I started learning back then, and the one I keep using, is Unity. I fully leveraged the big amount of learning resources online to learn Unity such as Youtube videos, courses on Udemy but, above all, making my own projects. I also used these side projects to nurture my learning on my career and vice-versa, trying to bring together complex design patterns and algorithms from my classes at University into the games I made, pulling ahead from my peers on fields of programming like OOP.
On the side bar to the right are five personal projects I would like to show as part of my "portfolio" of game projects I made over that past four years. All of them are unreleased projects, mostly meant for learning or leveraging an opportunity we got with my brothers at the time. The design behind the projects were worked alongside with my brothers, but most never got past beyond the prototyping phase except the last one.
Each project on the sidebar explains how to access and play the games as well as providing more context behind the project and its technical aspects.
I'm always excited to investigate and take up new opportunities, so feel free to contact me for anything! Thanks for reading and have a nice day!